Manuscript Processing

Review Process
NJSSH adheres to meticulous methods of reviewing the submissions it receives in order to disseminate quality literature and discourse within Pakistan and abroad. For this reason, NJSSH pursues a double-blind peer-review process for each research article received. The authors are informed about the reviews received, and they are expected to make the changes outlined by the referees. The Editorial Team then decides how well the author has incorporated the reviews in the revised manuscripts.

All authors are notified when the pre-print versions of their accepted manuscripts are published on the journal’s website. Each (upcoming) issue of NJSSH is initially published online and is freely accessible. Each journal issue is available in print after two weeks of its online publication. The print copies of the journal are also posted to the authors at the address provided at the time of manuscript submission.

Submission and Article Processing Charges (APC)
NJSSH does not charge any fee for manuscript submission or Article Processing.

Further information
For any queries regarding the publication process, the Editorial Team can be reached at all times on the principal email ID given in contact NJSSH.